Archive | May 2010

Pride vs. Ego: An american love story



–noun1.a high or inordinate opinion of one’s own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.

The other day while getting dressed I began to think of just what made America an undesirable place. We have people from all walks of life, until the recession there were plentiful jobs, state colleges accepts everyone. America lacks something that for the most part, other countries possess. Pride. Pride has been replaced by the ego.

Ego: Noun: an inflated feeling of pride in your superiority to others

Somewhere the definition of having pride and being a proud person as become swapped with being pushy, superior and individualistic in theory. I am not a natural born american, I was raised on and off in canada and brasil so I witnessed PRIDE every february during carnaval with my grandmother would dress me in silver and blue and have us sing BEIJA FLOR from the top of our longs when OUR float came down the sambadrone. I would see my cousins in their elaborate and detailed yet revealing outfits and would be PROUD they were a samba dancer for the best, most known samba school . I witnessed PRIDE every futbol season when I would raise the flag of our team with my grandpapa and scream at the t.v. in portugese while all the men drank Skol beer and the women cook shrimp and lobster stew. I was PROUD. 
Just as swag as replaced self esteem, america has let their ego to be the biggest,baddest,best overshadow their pride. Americans have learned to think in terms of “I” “ME” whereas other countries are WE, US. American culture is nothing of substance, it’s something that is made, built- what do we have without all the technology? Ego requires materialistic value, pride can exist when all you have is the shirt on your back. I know alot of people with egos (sometimes, most of the time for no reason) but I know few with pride. I know alot of women with “swag” but no confidence, no self esteem in herself as a woman first without the surgeries, gucci, expensive clothes. 
I come home to Brasil often to make sure I don’t divorce my pride to marry an ego. My family humbles me. Americans have become so egotistical that most forgot what it feels like just to dance, laugh and have fun with their family and friends without assuming someone is “hating” on them. Women of color seem to have this disease where they are unable to smile and say hello to one another, they call it bad bitch swag but I call it insecure and intimidation. Today I want everyone who reads my thoughts to try something, forget about your ego today just have pride.